A friend wrote recently about the use of the cross by the Romans. Not only is it torture and it instills fear in the hearts of witnesses, but even worse it is “the terrifying reality of complete abandonment.” I think the same can be said of a more modern form of torture — lynching. We…

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Do you not see how necessary a World of Pains and Troubles is to school an Intelligence and make it a soul? — John Keats. I once had a friendly disagreement with a law partner about Judges. She argued for brilliant minds, while I argued for compassionate souls. Who do you choose? More importantly how do…

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When I was a young boy my best friend, Paul, lived next door. Paul and I got into a lot of mischief including painting our faces with green house paint. But every now and then we would fight, wrestle, or hurt each other’s feeling. It was the nature of a young friendship. I must have…

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I found myself this morning asking the question, “What makes me angry?” I suppose I was thinking this way after reading the morning’s papers about murders on the streets, political bickering, and international strife, to name a few of our problems. I think of myself as a mild mannered person, so I thought to myself…

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