I have a friend who lives far away and who experienced a tragedy lately — the loss of his son. I sat down yesterday to write a note to him and his wife, and is often the case no words seemed appropriate. How often do we say we will pray for someone, knowing the words…

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Many of us were raised in a culture of reward and punishment. Included in that culture was our image of God as some Judge who measure outs rewards and punishments based on our conduct and even our innermost thoughts. If you were raised that way it is hard to let go of this image. I…

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The old ones have always said that no matter who despises or ignores you, no matter who keeps you from entering their circles, it is right to pray for them because they are alike us, too.  — Chippewa wisdom.     I often watch my daughter and my wife try to get the grandchildren to…

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Your individual Lent is like no one else’s, unique to you and you alone. But we all try to participate in similar activities— Prayer, Meditation, Fasting, and Service, and as we begin our discipline we take the first steps toward transformation, and that is something we can all share. Our prayers and meditation are the…

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Several readers have written in asking what I mean by meditation when I say the Lenten season is about “prayer, meditation, fasting, and service.” Do I mean “sitting in a room, legs crossed, chanting some mantra?” Here is a rough explanation. I am sure many of you have a better one, and please send it…

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