The one real danger is not thoughts but the lack of them. — Anon. I googled the above to see who said this, but no such luck. If anyone knows please send me a comment. It certainly didn’t originate with me, but has been stuck in my brain for a good time. Maybe when I…

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It is Monday and it’s time start my diet, start working out, quit watching football, and a hundred other promises to improve and seek out behavior that accomplishes my goals. Then quicker than you can say “Jack Robinson,” I go back on my good intentions. My Chicago Bears are playing tonight, we have some oatmeal…

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I would meditate but I don’t have enough time. — Me. How often have I said the above to myself? Then I realize I need a better perspective. Just like the only difference between a good day and a bad day is my perspective. I can endure and suffer through my day, or I can…

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All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. — John 1:3 The above passage is a wonderful beginning to a lenten meditation or prayer, for when we repeat John’s words we acknowledge that our being began with God. So are the magnificent sunrises, a sunset across a lake…

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They know no limits in deeds of wickedness; they do not judge with justice the cause of the orphan, to make it prosper, and they do not defend the rights of the needy. — Jeremiah 5:28 They say history repeats itself. Jeremiah writes about corruption and the tendency for the powerful to no longer heed the needs…

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