When you hear the term a “life of prayer and meditation” do you think about individual requests or an entire life turned toward God and dependent on him/her? A life of prayer expects no rewards and excludes self-congratulations. Instead a life of prayer includes openness, faith, and dependence on other’s prayer’s. A life of prayer…

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  Prayer is much broader than the printed liturgies of the various religions. It is an expression of the human heart that transcends formal religions. Prayer can be a yearning of the heart, a cry for joy, and one of the most normal expression of our humanity. An act of kindness or righting of a…

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  I used to know someone that was always right, or at least he thought he was, and it wasn’t worth the effort to disagree. Unfortunately for this person he paid a huge price for being right. He was rarely happy or smiled, and was always angry at someone. Know anybody like that? One of…

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When my children were much younger we would tuck them into bed at night and say our prayers–usually the traditional “Now I lay me down to sleep” followed by our “God Blesses.” I wasn’t very creative, although at times my children would be creative and surprise me with whom they wished that God would bless.…

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Whether your morning quiet time takes the form of Prayer or Meditation it offers multiple benefits. We turn aside from an unquiet world, seeking rest for our spirit, and light for our thoughts. We bring our wounds to be healed, our hopes to be renewed, and our better selves to be quickened. We are lifted…

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