Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told to you from the beginning? — Isaiah 40:21a. Today’s verse resonated with me today in a way that felt eerily familiar. It wasn’t the grandiosity of the prophet that struck me, but rather the echoes of my past. I could almost hear…
Month: January 2025
The Miracle
There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are they among so many people. — John 6:9. The familiar story of Jesus feeding the multitude in John 6:9 presents a challenge to our understanding of faith and miracles. While the spectacular outcome – the miraculous multiplication of food –…
Rule of Law
The Lord is at my side; therefore I will not fear; what can anyone do to me? — Psalm 118:6. Today’s verse offers profound comfort and strength. It reminds us that our ultimate security rests not in human laws or systems, but in our relationship with God. While the “Rule of Law” is a cornerstone…
First Miracle
Today’s Bible verse reminded me that Jesus’s first miracle was when he turned water into wine at a wedding. In our age of instant gratification, where everything needs to be bigger and faster, it’s a surprising choice. You’d expect something grand, a dramatic healing, a parting of the seas! But the host and guests were…
Sharers in the Promise
The Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise…. — Ephesians 3:6. The verse from Ephesians 3:6 beautifully highlights the radical inclusion of Gentiles into God’s plan of salvation. It emphasizes that we, who were once excluded from the promises made to Abraham and his descendants, are now fully…