Cleaning out my Lenten files I ran across the following note I made about practicing awareness: Several times a day ask yourself: Am I aware? What am I aware of? How am I relating to it? How is my body being impacted?

I know I am supposed to be on sabbatical this week, but I read an article about Woodstock and wanted to share a few thoughts: Its been almost fifty years since the three days of music, mud, and magic occurred in Woodstock, NY.  Although most of the stories are about epic crowds, wonderful music, drugs,…

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The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.– Eugene Delacroix   I am probably the only person who is beating themselves up today for not keeping a better more perfect Lent. I take solace however in Delacroix’s words and the knowledge that trying to be perfect distances us from God.   …

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Today’s Maundy Thursday Post Marks the 1500th meditation posted on the website The Hubbell Pew. Thank everyone for your putting up with my musings over the last ten years or so, and for those who have contributed to keep the site up and running. God willing and the “creek don’t rise” we will try to…

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Whether it is in nature, in music, in the heavens, or in other people we recognize beauty. We may admire different things and we may see beauty in places where others don’t, but we all are drawn to the beautiful. As the Lenten season ends we realize that we have experienced something very special. Lent…

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