How do we love the unlovable? My little grandchild sometimes says and believes that, “nobody loves me.” Of course it is not true and quickly she is on to the next adventure or trauma. We sometimes come to a similar belief and conclusion about ourselves. Usually our pity party takes a while to get…

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Order is Heaven’s First Law — Alexander Pope When I was on sabbatical, order kept me sane. When you live in a cubicle with five other men, three bunk beds, six small lockers, and only enough standing room to be counted five times a day, one learns to appreciate order. You learn to give others space, to…

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One of the great lessons of my sabbatical was how little I really needed, especially in the way of material things or attachments. Sure I missed family and friends, but I needed very little else. Many of the things society believes we “need” or “must have” would not have fit in my small locker. Buddhists…

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I have been going round and round with my publisher and the printer of my latest book, A Game of Inches. My patience is worn thin, my frustration and irritation levels are at an all time high, and I have not been my better self. I tried using my Yoga techniques, contemplative prayer, deep breaths, long walks,…

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He walks with us along the pathways of life, and he can do for us what we can never do on our own. — Lakota Saying I am already diverting from my plan, but I ran across the above and couldn’t pass it up. When we invite God into to every aspect of our lives, we complete…

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