Dear Tom:
The sun is shining this afternoon, and despite the cold, the snow is beginning to melt. Soon we will go through a few days of melt and then a refreeze at night turning the melt to a thin sheet of black ice. However, it will not be long before the remnants of this snow will be gone, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a daffodil or two might spring. It certainly will not be anything like last year in DC, where mountains of scrapped snow covered in soot were on every corner for weeks. One thing is for sure we will talk about the weather – “not as bad as last year, snow came early or late, ain’t over yet, weatherman got it right or wrong,” the list of comments goes on for miles.
One thing I know is that after every snow I hear the words, “ wasn’t it wonderful.” Sometimes from many, sometimes from a few, but always at least from one, I hear him or her open themselves to the joy and wonder they experienced as a child. For at least one, the original wonder of seeing fallen snow is reawakened. Perhaps, God gave us snow to cultivate the qualities of joy and wonder in our lives so when he sends us a message it will illuminate our life and place everything in a new focus. Even without snow, we should allow the energy of wonder and the eyes of joy to be reawakened in us. We don’t want to miss the message.
Your Friend, Webb
I loved this post, Webb, and traveled back 60 years or so to childhood memories of snowy adventures. The timing of your post is wonderful. Casey & I just returned from a retreat of sorts in Sedona… one of our teachers, a Sufi, talked about the snow like this: Each snowflake is unique in the world… just as we are. The beauty of falling, unique snowflakes brings a softness that seems like angels coming to our plane with love. Cool, hun?
Thanks Tom, for your explanation. We can’t wait to hear more about what y’all are learning. Webb