Like most people I suspect, I sometimes put off unpleasant tasks – those items that remind me that though I may want to float above the realities of this world, sometimes the world requires me to put my feet on the ground. The day I pay the bills is one of those days. So after sitting down to balance the checkbook and reviewing last month’s spending, I needed to sit quietly and read the books that I rely on daily to return my spirit to a contemplative mood. One of those books today must have known it was “bill paying’ day. For it began with a passage from The Book of Common Prayer. “Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, while we are placed among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure.” My mind slowly turned to the beautiful fall we were having, the smile on little Rebecca last night as I played with her, and a weekend evening with friends. God doesn’t balance my checkbook, or hand me a winning lottery ticket, but he can does provide a great light in the darkness. ( Isaiah ).
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