Watch the news, read the paper, or just through water cooler chatter we learn that election season has already begun. In our 24 hour news cycle and instant gratification society we go from one election to the next. (Suzy says, “Webb you’re writing for the wrong blog – politics goes on Well maybe not today. I was reminded recently that in Old Testament times, Israel didn’t want to be a holy nation. It wanted to be like other nations, she wanted to be like Egypt and Syria. She wanted power and prestige. She wanted to be on top. In other words she wanted her worldly way, not God’s way.
When the prophets got after her for it, she got rid of the prophets. When God’s requirements got too difficult and the rewards were too remote, she abandoned God for the other God’s who ruled other countries — the God’s who disguise themselves as leaders and people who know what’s good for us. They get our votes, our money, and our energy because they care not whether we are good or holy. They promise absolutely everything we think we want, and absolutely nothing we need.
I may sound cynical this morning, if I do I apologize, but for the next twelve months we face a barrage of ads and people telling us they’ll provide us what we want. There is only one source for what we really need, and God is not on the ballot, despite what some candidates might claim.
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