Yes, it’s time to take a few minutes and think about those New Year’s Resolutions that we promise ourselves to keep, and usually are all but memories by mid-January. I usually make a long list of wishes for the new year and pass it around to my family. I thought I’d share a couple with you.
Lyndon Johnson said once, “The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships are all symbols of human failure.” Topping my Christmas list every year is “World Peace” knowing that gift is even out of Santa’s reach and magic. So I resolve, I wish, and I pray that I can do something, no matter how small, toward restoring the public dialogue about our country’s and the world’s insatiable appetite for conflict, war, weapons, and guns. Especially let’s start talking about whether guns in children’s hands and nuclear weapons in the hands of nations makes sense. The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations. — David Friedman
The second of many resolutions came from a thought I had while reading Barbara Brown Taylor’s, An Altar in the World. It is a book I gave to each of my children for Christmas. She talks about learning reverence from her father.
“From him I learned by example that reverence was the proper attitude of a small and curious human being in a vast and fascinating world of experience…. Full appreciation of it required frequent adventures, grand projects, honed skills, and feats of daring.”
For 2013 may we all fill our days with — frequent adventures, grand projects, honed skills, and feats of daring.
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