This is my last one about interruptions, I promise. That is until I forget that I ever wrote about them, which seems to be happening more often.
Al Waring writes, that interruptions are “trials sent by God to help one against getting selfish over one’s work.” Another way to look at interruptions is that one’s true work – one’s work for God – consists in doing some trifling haphazard thing that has been thrown into one’s day by God. Consider the time you were at home concentrating on your work when you are interrupted by a young child with a question. Is it an interruption or a nudge by God? Often, when you turn your attention to a child, you get a glimpse of God.
Interruptions are not a waste of time, as one is tempted to think, they may become the most important part of the day – the part one offers to God. Take time to talk to God about his nudges and to help you understand what they mean. When you are nudged, do not rush back to your work, trust that time will be given to it, and instead turn your heart toward the interruption/nudge. You just may see God.
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