Mondays are always good days to start diets, to begin a new exercise regime, or to prepare to take on a new project at work. We gird ourselves for that first day ahead of ourselves, knowing pretty well from where difficulty might come, and in that first waking hour we take a first good look at the enemy and make up our mind to overcome it whether it be a donut, a rainy morning, or a difficult co-worker.
Or think of this alternative, Monday mornings are also a good time to give thoughts a range quite beyond yourself – beyond even our moral struggles – a good time, there in the stillness, for going into the realm of other’s lives. Think about your spouse, — what needs does he/she have for help, for sympathy, that you can meet? Your children – how can you make their day sweeter or better? The acquaintance, who is having a hard time; a friend, who dropped a word to you recently that you hardly noticed in your hurry, but comes back to you now, revealing some deep hunger, you had guessed before and you can help fill.
How we handle those Monday mornings in our life, says a lot about who we are.
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