I used to pray that God would feed the hungry,
Or do this or that, but now I pray that he will guide me to do whatever I’m supposed to do,
What I can do.
I used to pray for answers, but know I’m praying for strength.
I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us
And we change things. – Mother Theresa.
My daughters, Caroline and Rebecca, passed the above on to me, suspecting I would pass it on the my readers. It came at a perfect time. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of listening to Bishop Curry talk about change at St. Peters in Charlotte. Now I hope all of you have a chance to hear the Bishop once in your life, he doesn’t mince words.
Bishop Curry asked, “Do we really think that God took on the human form of Jesus, suffered, and died a terrible death just so we would keep doing the same thing – maintain the status quo.” Bishop Curry said much more eloquently that Jesus showed us what God expected of each and every one of us so we would know what was expected of us and to change — certainly not to keep on keeping doing the same thing. We are each called to be agents of the change God expects of his creation.
That is a heady calling, my friends, and no one is exempt. Not every one of us can be a Mother Theresa, but we can give comfort to one who doesn’t believe he deserves comfort, we can show kindness to someone society believes doesn’t deserve kindness, and we can seek justice for someone who doesn’t know how to seek it for himself.
We are called to be agents of change, the change God expects of his creation – no less.
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