I appreciate all the comments about my earlier post about age and wisdom helping in forgiveness. Several have suggested that I not confuse forgiving with forgetting. The following is not directed toward any response, just an observation.
We are called to forgive seventy times seven, but not to forget. One can forgive a person who is abusive, but that doesn’t mean we should forget and fall into the same trap again — a sequence of events that happens way too often in our society. I am sure that each of you have lived a sequence of events where forgiveness and forgetfulness have gotten confused. I know I have.
There are many unhealthy relationships that we fall into, and sadly it is painful to extract ourselves from them but necessary. Just as we are called to forgive the person, we are also called to remember what is healthy and what is not.
I find God is there to fill the voids in our life, if we let him. When I was lonely, he was my companion. When I was scared, he was my strength. When I was sad, he was there to cheer me up. When I was sick, he was there to heal.
Too often we “forget” God. Don’t worry he never forgets us.
Guarded forgivnesses is not transformative. In fact, it’s not forgiveness at all. It’s called a truce.
Love your posts, Webb. Shalom. -Jon