The second pair of worldly winds is Success/Failure. I have observed that the same worldly wind that blows one toward success in one facet of a life, might head one toward failure in another. How many marriages fail as a result of too much time spent on seeking financial success or worldly praise, for example. I bet you can think of many times where the wind may take us toward one goal, but pull us from another. Again the secret is in equanimity/balance in all we do.
Then there are the worldly winds of success that reverse course and blow us to failure and ruin. What is the expression? Be nice to the people you meet on the way up because you are going to meet them on the way down.
We see examples every hour of the worldly winds of failure/success can turn in a heartbeat, taking us on a new course without knowing it has happened.
If we live long enough we all will have experienced both failure and success. Life is more about how handle the worldly winds than where they carry us.
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