Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. — Emerson.
As an author I envy authors such as Emerson, Hemingway, and Faulkner for lots of reasons, but one is that they didn’t have to have a social media presence. Authors these days are expected to post and tweet as well as write books and poetry. Because I do tweet and post to help with the marketing of my books, on an almost daily basis I find myself encountering the ugly. I see a lot of the beautiful, but I don’t quite understand why people want to share hate or the ugly.
If I could advise anyone joining the world of social media it would be to listen to Emerson. Carry the beautiful with you wherever you go, but leave the ugly in the trash at home. Your friends on Facebook and your followers on Twitter are to some extent a community. Fill your community with love and beauty and don’t let hate or the ugly in the front gate.
Thanks, Webb. There is far too much ugliness in the world right now, much of it here in our country.