A few weeks back I wrote about immunity and didn’t do a very good job. People thought I was angry. I apologize, and will try again with a different twist.
There comes a time in many of our lives when we realize that friends and neighbors are getting seriously ill and a few even die. I have reached that age, and a long as I live it will only get more prevalent and worse. At some point it hits you that we are not immune, and that our life on earth is limited.
There are two ways to react to this realization. One can accept the verdict and simply live out ones days. This is an understandable reaction. However there is an alternative. One can recognize that our time is limited and pick up the pace.
I’d like to think that my last day on earth will be my most active, and that I will be contributing to humanity until I take my last breath. To the extent society will let me, I will give it my all.
I may not be immune, but I still have living to do.
Ridden hard, worn out and put down wet; with you brother!