Let us… seek peace… near the inland murmur of streams, and the gracious waving of trees, the beauteous vesture of earth, and sublime pageantry of the skies — Mary Shelley.
The peace and serenity Shelley describes above is hard to imagine in these days of Covid, electioneering, and the words coming from both sides before Justice Ginsberg is even laid to rest about her successor. For senior citizens we yearn for a time when we listened to our doctor about medical issues, had candidates who discussed in distinguished tones why someone should vote for them, not why to vote against the opponent, and came together to support a new justice whose qualifications were about intellect and compassion.
Before we return to the daily news and social media about being at each other’s throats, can we for a few moments — Let Us Seek Peace.
On this Sabbath day and the beginning of the High Holy Days may we all for a change — Let Us Seek Peace.
We are all sisters, brothers, neighbors, family, friends, fell human beings — Let Us All Seek Peace.
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