Christmas Eve used to be a very busy day. I would do all my shopping on the last day with a friend, stopping at many local stores where we would purchase and pick up packages and visit with the owners and other last minute shoppers. We had to finish by four in the afternoon to make the church service. (I could never stay up late enough for midnight service). We would also have one of our two or three Christmas dinners after church, and of course we had to get the children to bed and help Santa by assembling the toys he brought. When I would sit down after all were down to have a glass of egg nog and admire our tree I was exhausted.
Each of us have our traditions at this time of year, and I hope yours are as good and special as mine. I think I can remember every Christmas, especially the one where we were greeted that evening by a tornado.
I am listening to Lessons and Carols on the radio and heard at the beginning that I was listening to a rehearsal. Covid has closed the church for Christmas! This thought caused me to think about how important it is to find a way to welcome God into our homes and the celebrations we will have this year. For you see no matter what your circumstance this Christmas Eve, God and all his comfort wants to be with us. No virus can hold him back, block the door, or clog the chimney. All we have to do is let God in.
Merry Christmas all, and in the words of Bishop Brougham tomorrow welcome God in with “kindness, warm hearts, and the stretched out hand of tolerance. All the shining gifts that make peace on earth.”
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