I had my annual eye exam yesterday. Of course, with the nurse, the doctor, and the receptionist what did we talk about — COVID. But the subject has turned somewhat. Everyone asked, “What are you going to do when your vaccine is totally effective, are you going to get away?” The thought of escape from this new normal of masks, quarantine, and distance has universal appeal.
I have friends who “just want to go to a ball game.” Others want to travel. A few would “do just about anything” for a nice meal at a restaurant. We all have a vision of a “get away” depending on what is holding us back or we miss the most. The concept of “Get Away” is not limited to COVID. How many times have we dreamed of “getting away” in a lifetime.
Truth is I need to concentrate not on getting away, but on making where I am today, this moment, as good as it can be. Getting away will always be a possibility, but being here is reality.
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