This lyric is also attributed to an elderly nun and an anonymous newspaper writer, but Pete will do. New Years played tricks with me this year. It came on a Saturday so it didn’t seem there was any rush this year to jump to my resolutions. Then came today and the Monday blah’s had already set in. My bones ached and the cold morning rain made any thought of turning over a new leaf seem ridiculous.
This year, I had decided that rather than resolving about goals, I would focus on behavior that could achieve results. Instead of resolving to lose weight, I would focus on being a person who eats healthy. Rather than finishing my next novel, instead I would resolve to write every day.
My best laid plans met “my missing get and go” this morning, and it would be easy to let this year’s plans end up in the trash. But I’m not ready to surrender to time yet. I will reread my resolutions and muster the energy to at least make it one day and then the next.
Where are you this morning?
I’m at the same place, Webb!