One thing is for certain is that as one gets older, illness takes more out of you. I grew up with adages such as “you can’t make the club in the tub,” “Hubbell you need to learn the difference between pain and injury,” and “chicks love scars.”
Things have changed thank goodness, but as I finally recover from a chronic cough and another crippling arthritic wrist I cannot help but think what happened to that young man who used to play football with a knee that had to be drained and injected three times a week during the season, who used to go to school, no matter what his temperature, and went to work no matter how I felt.
He got older, is the answer.
I cannot help but think about all the people who were sick with COVID. The over one million Americans who died is a tragedy for eons, but we don’t talk about how many of us were horribly sick over the last two years. People ask what happened in politics, human relationships, and society as a whole lately. One cannot ignore the fact that the world is and was sick in its real meaning.
It is a time to heal in so many ways. I am giving healing a lot of thought. We all should.
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