A dear friend sent me a reflection that talked about New Years Resolutions and Rules for Life.  I spent a lot of time this morning with this reflection and especially the phrase, “reorder our hearts and form our wills.” Birthdays, Anniversaries, significant dates, are all good times to reorder one’s heart. Just about anytime is…

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When one begins and new period in one’s life we do so with trepidation and excitement. For me, today marks a new quarter of a century. It’s not like becoming a teenager, being old enough to drive a car, or reaching twenty-one. from seventy-five to one hundred presents different challenges. Some relate to one’s health,…

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Whoever does the will of God is my brother, sister, and mother. —  Mark 3:35. One of the fun things about  a daily scripture is occasionally you run across a passage you never ran across or remember. Today’s surprised me. I am guilty of often referring to God in the masculine or calling God — father,…

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Most of my prayers are spontaneous or at least not planned out. They are more like conversations over lunch with a good friend. But on occasion, I need to do some per-prayer planning. One doesn’t talk to a boss about a raise, or a child about improper behavior without at least playing out the conversation…

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Maurice Sendak writes that he observed that life is largely a matter of “having your child self intact and alive and something to be proud of.” When a dark cloud appears I find that discovering the light involves locating the child that remains with me. As we age that inner child tends to go into…

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