My daughter knows I love a good sermon. She recommended I watch the sermon delivered by her pastor, Ben Boswell, on Palm Sunday. I recommend it to you. Here is a link:
Like most good sermons it caused me to think. I also have noticed that this Holy Week many churches have gone to lengths to not insert anti-semetic messages into the many Holy Week services. That’s a good thing I think.
The crucifixion of Christ is like many things in the world these days, we look for someone to blame. When it comes to the crucifixion, and like Dr. Boswell, we focus on the choice between Barrabas and Jesus, but I’ve had another thought — what was so threatening about Jesus?
Surely the people in power weren’t afraid that Jesus was going to start a war against Rome. He wasn’t seeking more territory for his people or water and oil rights in the desert. He didn’t pose a physical threat to any one in authority, unlike Barrabas. So what were they afraid of?
Christ’s message was one of love and “do unto others.” Was anyone really afraid to “love their enemies?” Clearly they were, but why?
Perhaps, what struck fear in the leaders was they saw a threat to the status quo. They, better than the masses, understood that following Christ meant worshiping God rather than the material. Easter is an annual reminder that we still have a choice between unconditional love for all humankind, and blame, violence, and the material.
What choice do you make this year.
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