After saying this, he showed them his hands and his side, and when they saw the Lord, the disciples were overjoyed. —
John 20:20.
God invites us to do as Jesus did to his disciples. There is always a time, during our prayers, to “show God our wounds.” We may feel unworthy, our pains and travails too minor compared to the worlds’, etc., but periodically the only way to totally heal is to tell God privately about our deepest and most heartfelt wounds. They may not be visible such as Stigmata. In fact, some of our deepest and most painful wounds may not be visible to the human eye, but show them to God.
Jesus became scarred and wounded to heal our wounds, but we need to show him those wounds, not keep them hidden.
I’m struck at an emotional level at the thoughts you’ve shared on this blog, and am finding these an enjoyable read…its a ministerial side of you ive not seen presented publicly. Your message is spot on, and I give you a lot of credit for sharing your faith.
Thank you…I appreciate these very much
Thank You. W.