Nothing saves us from the tragedy of ossifying more surely than a devotion to regularly turning over the soil of personhood so that new expressions of the soul can come abloom. — Maria Popova.
I am attracted to the imagery of turning over the soil being like recreating oneself. No, I’m not talking about a mid-life crisis which is often nothing more than a poor excuse for bad behavior. I’m talking about the retired doctor who picks up painting on canvas, the cross-country truck driver learning to play the violin, or the school teacher writing poetry. I can think of nothing healthier than finding new avenues of expression at whatever age.
Life is an endless unfolding, and if we wish it to be, an endless process of self-discovery, an endless and unpredictable dialogue between our own potentialities and the life situations in which we find ourselves. The purpose is to grow and develop in the dimensions that distinguish humankind at its best. — John Gardner.
Yes, I am in the early stages of tilling a brand-new field; not sure where to start or where it will end but will make the best of it all. Life’s beauty is what is offered to us; ours is to find joy and happiness in whatever we do.
If anybody knows how to turn over the soil you are one. Best adventures are in your future.