Summer’s searing heat is with us, and we’re all finding ways to adapt. Some escape to cooler climets for an early vacation, while others trade in the usual routine for more pool time or simply stay indoors for a cool respite. But for many,the heatwave demands adjustments to their work. Delivery drivers might shift routes…

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  Holding my giggling granddaughter in the pool, this verse from Luke 1:78-79 washed over me: ‘By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us…’ Just like I held her close, never letting her go, this verse reminds me that God’s love is a constant source of comfort.…

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Terry Tempest Williams captures the essence of denial in her powerful words: “Denial stops us from listening… But denial lies. It protects us from the potency of a truth we cannot yet bear to accept.” Denial may feel like a safe haven, a refuge from harsh realities. It lulls us with the familiar and promises…

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June 20th holds a special place in my heart for two reasons. It’s the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, but more importantly, it’s the anniversary of my life-saving liver transplant fourteen years ago. Without the generosity of my donor’s family and the incredible skill and compassion of the professionals at Georgetown University…

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Over the years, I’ve encountered many people who possess a quality I deeply admire: quiet strength. These individuals exude a quiet dignity and grace, carrying themselves with a quiet confidence that commands attention. They don’t demand the spotlight; instead, they enter a room with a subtle power that draws people in. Their strength feels less…

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