Poet, Wendell Berry, suggests that the remedy for despair is to rest in the “grace of the world.” Author, William Kent Kruger, titled his classic work, “Ordinary Grace.” Christians believe we are saved by faith through grace. God’s grace is usually defined as undeserved favor. Grace cannot be earned; it is something that is freely…

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Leonard Cohen, the iconic poet and musician, offered a refreshing perspective on sainthood. Forget the ethereal figures with wings and halos. For Cohen, a saint is someone who embodies a rare human potential – a life infused with an extraordinary capacity for love. This love compels them to fully embrace the messy, chaotic reality of…

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Many mornings, staring at the blank page for The Hubbell Pew, feels like facing a daunting blank canvas. But this morning, inspiration arrived in an unexpected melody. A Cyndi Lauper song, “Time After Time,” stubbornly clung to the corners of my mind, a tune that wouldn’t be ignored. I wouldn’t call myself a Cyndi Lauper…

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This weekend’s horoscope whispered an intriguing suggestion: “get away” for some fresh air in a place I’ve never been. It sparked a flicker of wanderlust, a yearning for something beyond the familiar. It made me ponder the curious human desire to explore. We often resist change in our daily routines, clinging to the comfort of…

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My childhood echoed with the refrain, “What’s it going to take?” It was a relentless question mark hanging over everything from homework and teeth-brushing to eating vegetables. This relentless questioning wasn’t unique to my experience, I’m sure. It’s a familiar echo in many households. I used it with my own children, those pleading, frustrated “What’s…

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