And they promised God saying, “Then God has given even to the Gentiles the repentance that leads to life.” — Acts 11:18. When I make it to church, I recite a confession with the other parishioners that includes the words, “We humbly repent.” I have to admit that this recitation seems too easy to me. I…

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My recent writing has been about as exciting as watching paint dry (or maybe even less exciting than that). It’s time to inject some humor and joy into my life, before I officially become the neighborhood crumudgeon. I guess it’s easy to get a little grumpy when your body starts feeling like a creaky old…

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You will save a lowly people, but you will humble the haughty eyes. — Psalm 18:28. The psalm, in essence, is a celebration of God’s power and grace. It paints a picture of God as a protector and deliverer, especially for those who are humble or lowly. The phrase “You will humble the haughty eyes” implies…

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My daughter just took her daughter off to college. Parents have when they take their children to college — faith. Faith that across the developmental stages of individuation and separation, some unbroken bond of love will remain. In most cases, that bond not only remains but grows. The idea that separation can strengthen relationships is…

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David’s proclamation, “…I called to God, and the Lord rescued me,” resonates deeply with my own experiences. In the darkest days of my unbelief, I too sought solace in my own strength, only to find myself sinking deeper into despair. It was not until I turned to God, crying out in fear, that a path…

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