Therefore I have reached the decision that we should not trouble those Gentile who are turning to God. — Acts 15:19. The passage in Acts 15:19 underscores a fundamental principle of Christianity: inclusivity. It’s a call to welcome all, regardless of their background, into the fold of faith. The early church faced a dilemma, grappling with the…

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“The Son of Man had nowhere to lay his head” (Luke 9:58b). Today’s reading reminded me of my daughter, Kelley, and countless others who have lost their homes due to recent hurricanes. Kelley’s Asheville home, damaged by Hurricane Helena, is undergoing repairs, and she hopes to return this week. She considers herself fortunate, recognizing that…

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If the universe is expanding what is it expanding into? If the universe started with a Big Bang, what was there before the explosion? What exactly is infinity and does it have an end? We could go on and on with such questions, and when physicists discover the answer to any of them, three more…

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Age is no barrier to learning or wisdom. Even the youngest among us can offer profound insights. My daughter Kelley lives in Western North Carolina where the whole area from a major city to small towns were devastated by Hurricane Helene. I was talking to her about her losses and the damage in her area.…

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Alice Cary’s timeless quote, “There’s nothing so kingly as kindness, and nothing so royal as truth,” encapsulates an ideal leadership standard that seems increasingly elusive in today’s political landscape. While experience, qualifications, and political affiliations are important factors, they should not overshadow the essential qualities of kindness, empathy, and truthfulness. Unfortunately, our political discourse has…

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