Today’s Bible verse reminded me that Jesus’s first miracle was when he turned water into wine at a wedding. In our age of instant gratification, where everything needs to be bigger and faster, it’s a surprising choice. You’d expect something grand, a dramatic healing, a parting of the seas! But the host and guests were delighted. And, interestingly, the Bible doesn’t mention any critics complaining about excessive drinking.
Perhaps God was sending a subtle message. Miracles don’t always need to be earth-shattering to be meaningful. We experience miracles every day – the sunrise, a child’s laughter, the simple joy of a good cup of coffee. My life itself is a constant miracle thanks to God, George, and skilled doctors. God, I believe, isn’t concerned with the “small stuff,” with judging who partied too hard.
But I think there’s more to it. Marriage itself is “big stuff.” It’s an institution worthy of celebration, of breaking out the good china and the finest wine. The union of two souls in matrimony is sacred, a truly special thing. We grow together, mature together, and hopefully, if we’re lucky, we love each other deeply for a lifetime. The more I ponder it, the more I realize a wedding is the perfect setting for that “first miracle” – the transformation of two individuals into a partnership, a family. It’s a testament to the power of love and the enduring grace of God.
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