I hate bullies, cuz a bully doesn’t just beat you up, he takes away your dignity…. — Phil in City Slickers.
Suzy shared Phil’s quote with me this morning, a stark echo of our shared unease. Last night, we were both deeply troubled by the White House meeting with the Ukrainian President. The President’s actions and words felt like textbook bullying, a calculated assault on another’s dignity.
The weight of that encounter, compounded by a restless night, ignited a morning of reflection on the nature of bullies. My long life has offered ample exposure. No single strategy guarantees success. Physical confrontation often backfires, passive responses breed resentment, and seeking external help can feel like a surrender. Ultimately, the battleground is within, a struggle for the preservation of integrity.
The last time I faced a bully, the urge for visceral retaliation was almost overwhelming. Yet, experience has taught me that violence is rarely the answer. Instead, I find resonance in Phil’s unadorned hatred of bullies: a refusal to legitimize their actions, a rejection of their claim to respect. It’s about safeguarding one’s own dignity, reaffirming one’s sense of self. It’s about systematically dismantling their power.
Witnessing a bully stripped of their power, exposed as a hollow shell, is a stark testament to their inherent weakness. I often ponder God’s perspective on bullies, and whether a divine solution exists. But perhaps the answer lies within us: in our capacity to stand resolute and dedicate our energy to disarming them.
I SO want to agree with you but I’m finding it a huge challenge to maintain my calm and loving space when Bully Trump takes such outrageous actions. I’m Angry with how he publicly treated the Ukrainian president as well as most of the violence he is committing against our democracy and allies and fellow Americans. I’m making calls, writing letters, but there seems to be little that can be done to stop the outrageous actions of Trump.
I will have your back my friend. W.
In the. words of former President Obama, “elections have consequences”. 😉
Yes they certainly do.