Over the years, I have gained and lost the weight of a human being in a year. Diets work for me and then they don’t. I have also gotten in really good shape and then slacked off, as well. Each year, becomes harder than the last. Now that I am continuing to rehab after my transplant, I am continually reminded of the truth that there comes a point where nothing but hard work will get you to the next level. Backing away from that heavier weight, walking that extra block, riding that extra fifteen minutes is the only way to improve. Breaking through roadblocks is essential to improvement.
The same truism applies to our spiritual and daily lives as well. It is not by seeking more fertile regions where toil is lighter and circumstances are free from complications and troublesome people that we grow. We grow by bringing courage and dedication to bear upon what is given us, that we brighten our inward light, lead something of a true life, and bring the kingdom of heaven to our earthly day. J.H. Thom asks and so should we, “If we cannot work out the will of God where he has placed us, than why has he placed us here?”
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