Then he said to her, “For saying that, you may go — the demon has left your daughter.” — Mark 7:29.
Before curing the gentile’s daughter Jesus had refused to help. He was tired and needed rest. But he changed his mind after the woman uttered one of the most famous lines in history — “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.”
Many people have described Lent as a spiritual spring cleaning, and in many houses spring is time to clean our physical pantries and closets as well. What do we do with our crumbs? Do we reserve some time in our prayers for those who are possessed by personal demons? During Lent do we devote a few crumbs of time to those who others consider the dogs of our society? What do you do with the discards from your pantry and closets?
Great generosity begins with a few crumbs. The gentile woman taught Jesus a great lesson — a crumb. Even annoying interruptions can bring forth great opportunities.
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