Y’all know I get frustrated with politicians, campaigns, and campaign ads that never say what the candidate is “for.” We just had a Senatorial campaign last year in NC where over $100 million was spent on TV ads, and not one said what the candidate was “for.” They all explained why we should vote against the other person.
My children used to call the Ten Commandments the “Shall Nots.” We often hear fundamentalists quote scripture to tell us what we should not do, what we should be against, and why certain conduct is prohibited.
Perhaps that’s why I see the light shine brightest as a Christian. (No offense meant to those of other faiths.) Christ entered the world and preached about what he was “for,” what we “should do” not what we shouldn’t do.
He didn’t mince words — Love God and love our neighbor. Interestingly what Jesus had to say liberates it doesn’t limit.
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