The world’s hunger is getting ridiculous, There is more fruit in rich man’s shampoo than in a poor man’s plate. — Anon.
Growing up I was haunted by the eyes of a hungry child. But the child was usually on the cover of a magazine like the National Geographic, and I assumed the photographer fed the child after the photo shoot. Besides the child was halfway across the world. Hunger didn’t exist in America I fooled myself.
This week on the front page of the NY Times was a little girl with those same haunting eyes of hunger. But the young girl wasn’t in some far away place, she lived right here in USA a victim of the poverty brought on by Covid. While our leaders try to convince us things will get better and don’t worry because the stock market is at an all time high they turn a blind eye to the haunting eyes of hunger.
No society can call itself moral if its children starve. If we do anything on a daily basis we must turn the haunting eyes of hunger to the bright eyes of a full stomach.
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