Kindness is never wasted: love is never a mistake — Jay Bazzinotti
I came across the above just the other day, and like a lot of “honeysuckle moments,” it got me thinkin’.
I’ve read that we use only about ten percent of our brain, but the same time we marvel at the strength and the endurance of the heart.
I know one is a bunch of nerves and electronic impulses, and the other is a muscle, but there is one thing they share:
The more activity, the stronger both the brain and the heart become.
There are even lots of computer games being developed to stimulate the brain as people get older.
I wonder if scientists haven’t misread the heart and that in fact it serves two functions — to keep blood flowing throughout our body, and also to send a signal to all our senses to react to another’s plight or joy?
Like I said random thoughts on a Friday, and I’m sure that scientists will say I am off base and need to take high school biology again.
But I do know the truth of Bazzinotti’s words — Kindness is never wasted; Love is never a mistake.
I know that in my heart.
Yet another beautiful posting! Thanks!
Roz, Thank You for reading and following. Hope you’re staying warm in the mountains. W.