Dear Followers of The Hubbell Pew,, Fans of the Jack Patterson Thriller Series, and Friends:
Thanksgiving is a day filled with family, friends, fellowship, and reflection. It is also the day when we give thanks, and I want to thank each and every one of you. This has been an extraordinary year. The Hubbell Pew is rapidly approaching 2000 meditations over a span of fifteen years, continues to grow in followers and allows me to keep in touch with my reader base, and for Jack Patterson Fans I have finished the latest in the line of legal thrillers and a first draft of the next one. Hopefully 2018 will be the year that both are published.
As we sit around our respective festive tables we offer a different approach to the “troubled times” in our world, our country, and our community. The Thanksgiving table represents civility even in disagreement, bounty of God’s gifts, stories filled with love and humor, and most of all a spirit of gratitude and thanks. I’m convinced of the need for more Thanksgiving tables.
May your Thanksgiving be filled with joy, may you be surrounded by love, and may this holiday season be filled with reminders of the blessings in your life.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wishing you and Suzy and all your babies, grownand Little’s, have a special time of sharing love and laughs
Becky Cowling
Thanks Becks and Happy Thanksgiving!