We are two weeks into Lent, but it is difficult to focus on service, sacrifice, worship, and prayer/meditation with our lives being turned upside down by fears of the unseen — a virus. Especially service and worship are affected by what every doctor assures me will continue to spread, although its severity may not be near as bad as the flu.
So what do we do? First, remember to put faith in the Lord and the health care professionals who know what they are doing. Now is not a time to put faith in rumors on the Internet or people who would use your fears to their advantage. Second, rearrange your Lenten schedule to spend more time on introspection, prayer, and meditation. Worship can occur at home or outdoors. God listens wherever you are.
In some ways the fears of the virus can enhance your Lenten experience. Meditate on your fears and who and what you trust. In my many years of Lenten experience I have learned to be flexible. The virus will not separate you from God, if anything it can draw you closer.
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