In the face of devastation, humanity’s resilience shines brightest. The recent events in Western North Carolina have been a stark reminder of nature’s raw power and its ability to inflict immense suffering. Yet, amidst the tragedy, countless stories of heroism, courage, and human kindness have emerged, demonstrating the indomitable spirit of its people. Though the…
Hurricane Helena
“Hurricane Helena’s devastation in North Carolina, particularly in Asheville where my daughter and her family live, has been a stark reminder of the fragility of our modern conveniences. For countless residents, basic necessities like power, water, and transportation have been disrupted, leaving them stranded and vulnerable. I’m incredibly grateful that my daughter and her family…
Opportune Time
He departed from him until an opportune time. — Luke 4:13. This verse marks the end of the devil’s initial temptation of Jesus, but it also raises a crucial question: When is the “opportune time” for the devil to strike? The phrase opportune time reminds me of the movie line, “I’ll be back.” Just as the villain…
Spiritual Lives
Thomas Merton’s wise words, “If we want to be spiritual, then, let us first of all live our lives,” have always resonated with me. I’ve often found myself drawn to the tranquil solitude of fishing, a pastime that seems so inherently spiritual. Yet, despite my admiration for friends like Basil, Jack, and David, who possess…
Be What We Do
Rumi’s timeless verse, “Let the beauty we love be what we do,” continues to resonate with seekers of meaning and purpose. This poetic invitation invites us to align our actions with our passions, to find joy and fulfillment in the pursuit of what truly inspires. My personal connection to Rumi began through my friendship with…