Why was the ointment wasted in this way? — Mark 14:4. The woman who entered Simon’s house emptied her precious ointment on Jesus’s head in an act of love. Were her actions extravagant? The other guests thought so. They asked why waste the ointment, why not sell it and give the proceeds to the poor.…
Empty The Bucket
I was fascinated by an editorial in yesterday’s Post called Why you should swap your bucket list for a chuck-it-list, by Valerie Tiberius. If you can access it I certainly recommend it to you. It dominated my thoughts yesterday especially since I sent it to my friend Robin who supplied me with several other resources on…
We can’t be grateful enough, nor is it hard to find something to be grateful for. My list is miles long and grows daily. Every now and then I remind myself to spend a long meditation going over my list. Problem is, I never come to the end. This morning’s meditation began with a recitation,…
Keep Up Your Courage
That night the Lord stood near him and said, “Keep up your courage!” — Acts 23:11a. Today’s lesson is perfectly timed. We all face trials in life, and God’s message to Paul is what we need to hear. Peter and his disciples heard “do not be afraid from Christ as he walked across the water. Paul heard…
Why Did You Doubt
You of little faith, why did you doubt? — Matthew 14:31. Yesterday’s gospel was the story of Jesus walking on water, calming the seas, and rescuing Peter. Seeing Jesus, Peter initially had faith enough to make it out on the water, but when the storms appeared he began to lose faith and sink. Jesus saves him…