Then Jesus asked, “Were not ten made clean? But the other nine, where are they?” — Luke 17:17. This verse has special meaning to me. I am the beneficiary of a transplant and multiple spare parts. For whatever reason, I am living beyond my time, and must never forget to be grateful to God, George and his family,…
Alternative To No
I read recently about a hotel that forbad its employees to say “No.” They taught their employees to use a different word when faced with a question that under usual circumstances called for a “no” answer. That word was “actually.” For example, “Do you have a hide-a-bed?” The easy answer would be “no,” but by…
Can It Be Fixed
Before we left to attend my granddaughter’s first birthday last weekend, we woke to no hot water. Our very old hot water gave out. We of course asked the plumber, “Can it be fixed?” His answer was what we feared, “We can try, but finding the necessary parts for the old girl won’t be easy.…
Unstained By The World
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the father, is this: care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. — James 1:27. One could read the above as being critical of organized religion. There is plenty of that criticism going on these days. Some of the prosperity churches give…
Election Day
The first time I could vote for President I missed it. It was fifty years ago yesterday. The day my son was born, November 7, 1972. Suzy was smarter than me. She voted absentee. I on the other hand thought Walter would have been born by then and I would be able to vote on…