Often overlooked during Lent is the study discipline. When I was a child, my parents emphasized sacrifice (i.e. oatmeal raisin cookies) but never mentioned study. Study entered my Lenten discipline when Suzy and I returned to Little Rock and we started attending Trinity. At first, we participated in the wonderful Shrove Tuesday dinner and the…
Second Chances?
Today is the two year anniversary of COVID officially becoming a pandemic. Remember how we were all frightened. There was a commonality in our concern. Pre-mask mandates, surplus checks, and vaccinations, we worried about our neighbors and those who put their life on their lines to makes sure we had health care and groceries. We…
Double Down
We are starting our second week into the Lenten season. Whether you have been vigilant in your regime or have had a difficult time holding to your sacrifice, service, and study it is time to “double down.” For you see God’s love is like I cold drink of lemonade on a hot summer’s day. You…
Worldly Existence
I have written several times recently about the fragility of life. Perhaps that is because I am getting older and friends and I have old acquaintances who are leaving at a more rapid pace. Truth is that I don’t know how fragile life is. I can only speak to our time on earth, not to…
Baby Steps
When we consider our service obligation during Lent, perhaps we should step back a bit. Consider “baby steps.” Don’t get me wrong, if you want to end world hunger, stop war and bring world peace, or cure cancer please go ahead. But for the rest of us small acts of kindness and charity can have…