I consider the Lenten Season as a forty-day retreat. For forty days we leave the 24 hour news cycle and fast food world we live in and devote at least part of our day to prayer, fasting, meditation, and service to others. Whether its ten minutes in the morning or a quiet hour in the…
Tag: Lent
Thursday After Ash Wednesday
Judge not others; judge only yourself.” What appear to be faults in others may actually be reflections of our own emotional afflictions. — Shakyamuni Buddha During Lent we usually take stock, but I don’t think it is realistic to believe one can get rid of all our faults in forty days. Nor do I…
Ash Wednesday
Great athletes practice so much they create muscle memory. When they are mentally exhausted, their muscles still remember how to catch, shoot, putt, etc. As we get older our bodies remember the joy that the Lenten season brings. That’s right, it is not just our heart and mind that welcome Lent. Our bodies too remember…
Shrove Tuesday
One of my favorite books is David Masumoto’s, An Epitaph for a Peach. It is far more than a story about farming, his special variety of peach, and the four seasons. He spends a great deal of time discussing how to prune a peach tree, teaching how it must be done in just the right way…
Lent Is Coming
Ash Wednesday is in two days. The Lenten season has snuck up on all of us, especially Carolina Panthers’ fans who are going to have difficulty diving into fasting, prayer, and meditation. They say, “Haven’t we suffered enough?” Nevertheless, Lent waits for no one. It is here. So get out that griddle for pancakes, Shrove…