As we undergo self-examination during Lent, let’s all remember to look upon the person being examined with love, understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. I have written a lot about certain words that express the person we all strive to be — balanced, aware, contemplative, etc. When I contemplate the concept of balance I am always reminded…

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Forgive me if today’s message is a little too heavy. You see Lent is a time for self-examination, and during that self-examination we confront our “demons.” Easier said than done. When I say “demons” I don’t mean chocolate, oatmeal raisin cookies, or that extra glass of wine. In this context I am talking about the…

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We have trouble with the concept of infinity. Nowhere is our problem with infinity more apparent than in our concept of fairness. We see a finite number of things, and we want our share. Take a plate of five cookies and three people in the room, and we immediately begin to try to figure out…

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Readers of the Pew know I am not a huge proponent of fasting during Lent. Perhaps, because oatmeal-raisin cookies have such a hold on me. But this year I am trying to bring a new perspective on the practice of fasting. We live in a country where culinary abundance is so very much of our…

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How often have I said the words, “not my problem.” How often have I heard the words, “not my problem.” The words pour out of our mouths like syrup going on a pancake. Yet, every now and then injustice occurs and we realize “it is our problem.” It may not be our problem today, or…

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