Today marks the fourteenth anniversary of The Hubbell Pew. A project started by my son and I to find a way to be productive during Lent. Giving up oatmeal raisin cookies wasn’t working for me. Every year I think it is time to retire the posts, Lent arrives and I tell myself one more Lenten…
Tag: Lent
Spring Practice For Spiritual Discipline
Any good football coach will tell you that champions are made during the off season — fourth quarter class and spring practice. To a large extent Lent is the spring practice for all of us who want to develop a spiritual discipline that will carry us through the year. Whatever happened last year — a…
Lenten Season Is Right Around The Corner
That’s right tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday followed by Ash Wednesday. The Hubbell Pew began as a Lenten discipline to do something positive during Lent because I found it impossible to abstain from Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for the whole 45 days of Lent. That’s right Lent is not forty days long. Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday is actually…
Good Friday!
The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.– Eugene Delacroix I am probably the only person who is beating themselves up today for not keeping a better more perfect Lent. I take solace however in Delacroix’s words and the knowledge that trying to be perfect distances us from God. …
Maundy Thursday
Whether it is in nature, in music, in the heavens, or in other people we recognize beauty. We may admire different things and we may see beauty in places where others don’t, but we all are drawn to the beautiful. As the Lenten season ends we realize that we have experienced something very special. Lent…