There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. — John 6:9 We all know the story of Jesus feeding the crowd of five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fish, and if you are like me I thought it was all about the miracle. But like so many…

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The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. — Sydney J. Harris “I’m overwhelmed at work,” or “the kids take up all my time, I don’t get a moment’s rest,” or “What I wouldn’t give for a few minutes rest.” Heard or said this before? I bet you have. Does your day…

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We must make choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves. — Thomas Merton Some people dread Monday. It’s time to return to work, get the kids in school, and in the words of Tennessee Ernie Ford they become “Another Day Older and Deeper In Debt.” (I bet I have a…

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My Yoga instructor told me a story this morning. It seems a wealthy woman traveled to Burma to learn how to meditate at a very famous Buddhist temple. Her daily regimen including lots of walking, then sitting, then more walking. Her Master told her through an interpreter that meditation is essentially a detoxing of the…

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Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews….came to Jesus by night. — John 3:1-2. Nicodemus is a unique figure in the Gospel. First he comes to Jesus under the cover of darkness to question him. Next, he is urging his colleagues to give Jesus a trial in accordance with the law, and finally Nicodemus helps Joseph…

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