A decent provision for the poor is a true test of a civilization. — S. Johnson
I believe that Lent is a time to look deeply into our soul for God’s will for us. I also believe that during these forty days we must also look outward to our world and our future role in it. Luis, this Sunday, rightfully scolded us by asking, “where are your scars.” How have we carried God’s message into the world and what risks have we taken for his sake? (My apologies Luis for I cannot do your Sermon the justice it is due.)
I have a few scars, like us all do, but I am not comfortable that they were obtained fighting for God. So this Lent I will try so very hard to listen and look deep inside. However, I also need to look at our world and ask, “what can I do to help.” Lent is a time to examine and question, but the time for action will be here soon.
There can be no happiness for any of us until happiness is won for all. — Gandhi
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