I commend to you all Luis’s Palm Sunday sermon found at www.stjohns-dc.org. As Ginger says, he started the season with a home run.
I don’t remember reading much about Lent being a “conditioning exercise.” But, in a way it is. In college football jargon the season doesn’t begin in the fall. You win championships in the spring. First a player undergoes unbelievably exhausting conditioning classes, we called it “fourth quarter” class at Arkansas. The class was where you pushed you’re body to its limits so it would learn that despite exhaustion you always had that little bit extra in reserve for the fourth quarter. Then you went through spring practice where you “made the team” each year all over again, and you learned the plays or defenses that the team would use in the fall.
During Lent we get in “condition” for Easter and beyond. As you consider the “beyond” in your future remember the words of Frederick Buechner who said that at the intersection of our deepest passions and the world’s needs lies our calling. As our passions and the world’s needs change so might our calling, but our conditioning is almost completed. Easter marks the beginning of each of our new seasons.
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